(July 16, 2017 at 3:38 pm)Tizheruk Wrote: The reason they accepted those two was they repeated the right Republican mantra's. If either of them deviated they be out faster then you can say shield . But I point out a great many ex Obama supporters of Trump voted for him because he was the "right "kind of black .
Someone in the thread just said that they hate hispanic Republicans, so I guess they only like hispanics that are the "right" kind of hispanic, and I assume that they hate Ben Carson and others like him as well, so they only like blacks that are the "right" kind of black. Do Republicans hate Obama more because of his dark skin, or is it more because they see him as un-American? Is it because he talked about them clinging to religion, which is true, but was unwise for him to say, or because of that picture of him with the headdress that the Clintons put out to try to smear him as the other, or was it the Bill Ayres thing, or him talking about wanting to fundamentally transform the United States? It was a mix of all of this, so I don't know why people just sum it up to "he's black. The end."