Quote:To a large extent, I think that it is fairly extraordinary that we have what we do.
I agree, especially since in large part we are dependent on propagandizing monks to have saved these documents which is Carrier's point. It was jesus freaks - and not even ancient jesus freaks but medieval jesus freaks - who determined what was copied and what was not. We have one manuscript of Annales, torn in half with extensive loss at the division on both sides. But that does not apply to the first half where, as Carrier says, the period when your boy should have been wowing the ANE with all his fucking miracles is surgically removed. Once might be an accident. But when the same thing is repeated several times a pattern develops. So you have to ask yourself why medieval xtians would excise information about the very time when the godboy was supposed to be alive? Like Justus of Tiberias, Carrier's answer is that he did not mention your boy and that really pissed off the jesus freaks.