It's funny how when it was about black people getting shot, there were like 6 people kneeling and a bunch of awkward hemming and hawing. But now that it's about Trump, there are 100's of players, and people are tripping over themselves to support it.
Which is why it's so important for it to be spun as not protesting the flag/america. Because white people want to get in on it, but they have to make the 'protest' palatable first.
Like when they were doing the BLM marches, and whites were like "I want to march, but the blacks are being all serious, and I felt uncomfortable holding up my futurama themed protest sign. Let's do our own! We can protest for women, and we'll wear vagina hats! Then we'll protest for science! Futurama signs will be super awesome there!" We (white folks) basically yankovic them. They make Gangster's Paradise, and we turn it into Amish Paradise, so we can have the same beat, but now it's funny and we can enjoy it more!
Which is why it's so important for it to be spun as not protesting the flag/america. Because white people want to get in on it, but they have to make the 'protest' palatable first.
Like when they were doing the BLM marches, and whites were like "I want to march, but the blacks are being all serious, and I felt uncomfortable holding up my futurama themed protest sign. Let's do our own! We can protest for women, and we'll wear vagina hats! Then we'll protest for science! Futurama signs will be super awesome there!" We (white folks) basically yankovic them. They make Gangster's Paradise, and we turn it into Amish Paradise, so we can have the same beat, but now it's funny and we can enjoy it more!