(September 29, 2017 at 10:22 am)Brian37 Wrote:(September 29, 2017 at 10:12 am)TheBeardedDude Wrote: Better training for police that includes more than just teaching them how to kill people. Teaching them how to deal with the mentally ill is one good step forward. Getting rid of the racist cops is another good step (the FBI has known for sometime that local police forces have been intentionally infiltrated by racist groups). Homogenizing training across the US is another good step. Body cameras being used and not abused is another good step. And perhaps most importantly, recognizing the systemic problems in society at large that promote inequality and culling them. Such as the unequal funding of schools in areas with large minority populations.
That is a straw man of what I actually said. Men being killed because of the perception of them being a larger and more significant threat is still NOT the topic at hand. This men's rights bullshit is another topic entirely.
Thank you and I agree.
Invest in schools, invest in business, invest in higher education. Invest in affordable housing and livable wages for workers.
This is what Alpha ignores willfully. It isn't a mater of simply saying, "Fuck you I got mine" or "Segregation ended in the 60s".
Alpha still refuses to accept that blacks get hurt worse by economics and our justice system.
And the worst part is that he is not even seeing economics are growing to hurt rust belt and rural states at a growing rate. All we are pointing out is that if you want the entire nation, urban, suburban, rural and middle America all to do better, you need to address those most negatively affected ratio wise. And as I said in my prior post, MLK constantly said that the better blacks do the better everyone does.
All Alpha is spewing is bullshit white persecution. He's simply pissed we are not buying his dog whistle bullshit.
Alpha is the sort of person who can't see past their own biases and has convinced themselves that they are the one with the truly objective opinion on this issue. It is a terrible feedback loop of ignorance and confirmation bias. And one I fear is unlikely to be broken.