Lek, nobody here thinks all religious people are evil, we simply find religion to be bullshit. For the same reason you rightfully reject claims of Apollo and Thor.
Most of us here WILL defend compassionate liberal theists even if we don't find their logic credible.
I do see good in most of humanity, the only difference between you and I is I don't assign our ability to do good, or be cruel, to a cosmic game between a sky hero and a ground troll battling over the neurons in human's brains.
We DONT hate you Lek, we simply don't find your theist claims to be credible.
Most of us here WILL defend compassionate liberal theists even if we don't find their logic credible.
I do see good in most of humanity, the only difference between you and I is I don't assign our ability to do good, or be cruel, to a cosmic game between a sky hero and a ground troll battling over the neurons in human's brains.
We DONT hate you Lek, we simply don't find your theist claims to be credible.