(August 6, 2017 at 11:46 am)AtlasS33 Wrote: The truth as I saw it.
The story doesn't begin for any of us until we're born and conscious. Something very unique can be questioned, and it's consciousness that influences every behavior we do.
We didn't become conscious overnight. Yet; the way our minds work can being us back and forth to the same point. Deep inside we know we are special, from the probabilities of existence itself, the odds were too many. Odds like temperature, evolution, light...etc.
Always the missing point exists to build another step up the ladder of our existence. The more we discover the more we rival biblical stories; just to replace them by a special odd system that in itself is a miracle.
I think and believe that the Quran is the last book revealed by the creator of consciousness. So much can be taken from the book, and failure in understanding its messages does rain down a series of disappointments, like economical disasters and wars.
Personally, the book helped me connect with my consciousness, and know I am with every verse.
We are glad you reject the extreme far right of your religion, but we are still not going to give you a pass anymore than we do our well intended theist friends on the left.
How about you, like Catholic Lady, and Jews and Hindus ect ect ect, how about considering that that was then and this is now.
Nothing cognitive with super powers made us like products in a factory. If you rightfully say that cognition didn't happen overnight then why would you need a "all powerful" god to explain anything?
Cognition in evolution is a result of slight changes in the DNA sequences over long periods of time. No magic needed.
Allah is not needed, Jesus is not needed, Yahweh is not needed, anymore than you assign all this to the Hindu Creator god Bhrama. Just like you don't assign lightening to Thor.
I find our existence amazing, but not magical. Countless factors could have lead to a different outcome. But knowing that there are an estimated 2 trillion galaxies in our observable universe knowing our planet has only been here 4 billion years out of the universe's 13.8 billion years, no, I cannot swallow any human claim that any sort of cognition with super powers made us like toys.
Why should if frighten you at all if you found out this is it and you don't get an afterlife? You had no pre life 4 billion years ago.
I still see and appreciate the awesome things in life. I don't need to plop in old mythology to appreciate my finite cognition.