Alright, I’ve got a couple of things that aren’t X rated. Please don’t misconstrue this first one to think that I am advocating anything supernatural because I’m not. It is something that I’ve not been able to explain though. When I was a child I had a dream that involved a precognition or maybe a déjà vu moment. I’m not sure what to call it.
The details are sketchy now because this was more than 40 years ago. However it made quite an impression on me because it is something I’ve remembered ever since. Anyway, I had dream one morning involving multiple butterflies on my arm. Latter on that day it actually happened. The unusual thing is that the particulars of the event were exact down to the smallest detail. Colors, movement, even where I was and the background image was exactly the same as those I recalled from earlier.
I realize that this was probably some kind of after the fact imposition of what was happening in real time onto my memory of something I experienced earlier. However if other people have the same kind of experience I can certainly see how they could explain it as a vision of the future.
The details are sketchy now because this was more than 40 years ago. However it made quite an impression on me because it is something I’ve remembered ever since. Anyway, I had dream one morning involving multiple butterflies on my arm. Latter on that day it actually happened. The unusual thing is that the particulars of the event were exact down to the smallest detail. Colors, movement, even where I was and the background image was exactly the same as those I recalled from earlier.
I realize that this was probably some kind of after the fact imposition of what was happening in real time onto my memory of something I experienced earlier. However if other people have the same kind of experience I can certainly see how they could explain it as a vision of the future.
Save a life. Adopt a greyhound.