i dont want to say its either but.. fuck it requires a level of balls i just don't have or any person would have for that matter.
to end your existence is that you end it.. don't get me wrong i mean at times i thought about it and i just see no reason to. I mean.. i don't want to say i haven't tried
i have id rather not talk about it. But it's better to let your own body kill itself on its own through the process of growing older hey i mean i would miss out on a lot of things i wouldn't want that in the end.
to end your existence is that you end it.. don't get me wrong i mean at times i thought about it and i just see no reason to. I mean.. i don't want to say i haven't tried
i have id rather not talk about it. But it's better to let your own body kill itself on its own through the process of growing older hey i mean i would miss out on a lot of things i wouldn't want that in the end.
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