In a nutshell : the pieces do not add up. It really is that simple. You
would, for example, expect there to be some points of collusion between
the Abrahamics, and there are, but just as baffingly, there are major areas of
disagreement. And this beautifully references the less than perfect hand of Man rather
than the flawless one of God. Also, why does religion actually exist ? The simple answer : to
rationalise death. Since there are so many who simply refuse to accept that when the brain ceases
to function that is it. it is very arrogant of us to assume that we amongst all the members of the animal
kingdom deserve - and need - immortality. Well no, we don't. And what exactly is so terrifying about spending
the rest of eternity in a blissful state of non-consciousness anyway ? Sounds fine to me. But let us play devil's advocate
for a moment and push that bar far as it will go. Let us assume that God does exist. I will certainly acknowlege His presence
but will not bow down to Him. For that She has to be compassionate, forgiving and loving. attributes which He appears to be devoid of
would, for example, expect there to be some points of collusion between
the Abrahamics, and there are, but just as baffingly, there are major areas of
disagreement. And this beautifully references the less than perfect hand of Man rather
than the flawless one of God. Also, why does religion actually exist ? The simple answer : to
rationalise death. Since there are so many who simply refuse to accept that when the brain ceases
to function that is it. it is very arrogant of us to assume that we amongst all the members of the animal
kingdom deserve - and need - immortality. Well no, we don't. And what exactly is so terrifying about spending
the rest of eternity in a blissful state of non-consciousness anyway ? Sounds fine to me. But let us play devil's advocate
for a moment and push that bar far as it will go. Let us assume that God does exist. I will certainly acknowlege His presence
but will not bow down to Him. For that She has to be compassionate, forgiving and loving. attributes which He appears to be devoid of