(December 31, 1969 at 8:00 pm)Haipule Wrote: I think your understanding of geologic history and those old mineral deposits could lead to finding zircon.
It's amazing how many disasters this old earth has gone through over the ages. If you combine that with the pseudoscience's of "snowball earth" and "expanding earth" theory then how did anything survive these disasters? Evolution is forced to conclude that enough survived but, evolution drives me ape!
there is no good evidence life on earth survived the late heavy bombardment 3.9 billion years ago. Earliest commonly accepted evidence of life on earth post date that bombardment.
Although evidence suggest environment on earth might have already been habitable to life before the great late bombardment, evidence thus far presented for life having actually existed before the great bombardment is not gaining much traction in the professional community.
In any case, even if it is demonstrated that life existed on earth before the great bombardment, that in itself doesn't prove these early life survived and left descendants after the bombardment. Life may well have been wiped out and arose again from scratch.