I won't read it? On the contrary. I find your plight very interesting as do many of us on this site. I have been where you are now and I definitely know the frustration you are feeling.
I wouldn't do as your grandmother suggests. Every time they throw religion in your face - redirect. Come right back at them with a fantastic Bible contradiction. There's so many that eventually they'll start steering clear of confrontation with you.
Meanwhile, get educated on everything secular and come prepared for battle when you go to bible class. My best advice though, always redirect. Always bring them back to their own Bible. It'll be their own Bible that will shut them up. Don't get too tied up on the ins and outs of evolution. That's a difficult topic to cover unless you're well-versed in science. Its easy for a science teacher to razzle dazzle the other students with nonsense while you sit there unable to refute him. Always bring them back to the stupidity of their ancient book written by desert goat-herders turned self-proclaimed prophets.
Get educated though. Go to skeptics annotated bible .com and do some copying and printing. Start soaking it up and keep the Bible references handy so that you don't look like you're making shit up.
You can do it man ... and maybe in the process, you'll free one or two of the other enslaved youths.
Min, give him this guy some good ammo to use.
I wouldn't do as your grandmother suggests. Every time they throw religion in your face - redirect. Come right back at them with a fantastic Bible contradiction. There's so many that eventually they'll start steering clear of confrontation with you.
Meanwhile, get educated on everything secular and come prepared for battle when you go to bible class. My best advice though, always redirect. Always bring them back to their own Bible. It'll be their own Bible that will shut them up. Don't get too tied up on the ins and outs of evolution. That's a difficult topic to cover unless you're well-versed in science. Its easy for a science teacher to razzle dazzle the other students with nonsense while you sit there unable to refute him. Always bring them back to the stupidity of their ancient book written by desert goat-herders turned self-proclaimed prophets.
Get educated though. Go to skeptics annotated bible .com and do some copying and printing. Start soaking it up and keep the Bible references handy so that you don't look like you're making shit up.
You can do it man ... and maybe in the process, you'll free one or two of the other enslaved youths.
Min, give him this guy some good ammo to use.