I thought this was an interesting read, and is written by a Christian, to boot. And yes, I agree that Christian privilege is a thing in this world (just like male privilege and white privilege).
Christian Privilege Is a Real Thing: and a Dangerous Thing
Read more at Patheos: Christian Privilege Is a Real Thing: and a Dangerous Thing
An excerpt from the article:
Oh, and INB4 "I'm a Christian, but I've had to work really hard to be where I'm at now in life".
Christian Privilege Is a Real Thing: and a Dangerous Thing
Read more at Patheos: Christian Privilege Is a Real Thing: and a Dangerous Thing
An excerpt from the article:
Quote:So what I told this group of Human Resources leaders, who are seeking to make their workplaces more open and diverse, is that I’m the last person they should be asking. There are plenty of Christians out there who will tell you that they are persecuted–because privilege often makes people think that their every belief should be written into law and imposed on others–but I am not one of those Christians. Far from being offended by other expressions of faith, my hope is that Christians in the workplace can be the ones advocating for better understanding and more consideration for our brothers and sisters of other traditions. I’d hope that we can begin to recognize how our own privilege has unintended negative consequences for others, and that we can help employers create a more diverse culture.
Oh, and INB4 "I'm a Christian, but I've had to work really hard to be where I'm at now in life".