I don't know what country MK lives in, but yeah, there's a decent chance that mental health is provided by religious figures where he is.
In any case, it's abundantly clear that he has a huge hangup about something he did/had happen to himself as a child (something he feels bad enough about to actively punish himself now by denying himself any feelings of happiness (his words in previous threads)), which made him dive into his faith for answers if not solace. But, as religion often does, it created a negative feedback loop. So now MK is in the midst of an increasingly manic religious fervor, apparently now believing himself to be one of the only people, if not the only one, to understand god.
He needs to talk to a psychiatrist.
In any case, it's abundantly clear that he has a huge hangup about something he did/had happen to himself as a child (something he feels bad enough about to actively punish himself now by denying himself any feelings of happiness (his words in previous threads)), which made him dive into his faith for answers if not solace. But, as religion often does, it created a negative feedback loop. So now MK is in the midst of an increasingly manic religious fervor, apparently now believing himself to be one of the only people, if not the only one, to understand god.
He needs to talk to a psychiatrist.