If I had a boy I wouldn't get it done.
That being said, I myself am a Darth Vader and I can't help but feel offended when y'all are calling my manhood mutilated.
Also, circumcision isn't the worst thing a parent can do to their child.
Should it be illegal to have a child without a 2 year parenting degree?
And I know that some anteaters have had the snip in later life and claimed to lose sensitivity.
I'm wondering how much and can it be proven or measured using scientific methods.
I'm like a stratovolcano and I don't know if my eco system could handle any more.
Anyway, if your gonna claim it should be illegal than what do you think the punishment should be for offenders?
May as well think it through all the way.
That being said, I myself am a Darth Vader and I can't help but feel offended when y'all are calling my manhood mutilated.
Also, circumcision isn't the worst thing a parent can do to their child.
Should it be illegal to have a child without a 2 year parenting degree?
And I know that some anteaters have had the snip in later life and claimed to lose sensitivity.
I'm wondering how much and can it be proven or measured using scientific methods.
I'm like a stratovolcano and I don't know if my eco system could handle any more.
Anyway, if your gonna claim it should be illegal than what do you think the punishment should be for offenders?
May as well think it through all the way.