Saying you won't sell a wedding cake to a gay couple when you would do so for straight couple is straightforward discrimination.
When I flew banner planes, we flew all kinds of banners for all kinds of customers. But I recall getting a call from a pro-life organization that wanted to fly an anti-abortion banner. They sent over the art work that wanted to fly. It was a picture of an aborted fetus. We refused to fly it. Why? Because we disagreed with the content and didn't want our business to be associated with it.
So the obvious argument here is well that's a different situation because you wouldn't fly that particular banner for anyone no matter who was paying the bill.
Now lets go back to our baker. He will happily create a wedding cake that says 'Congratulations Bill and Hilary' on it. But he won't create a cake that says 'Congratulations Bill and Jim'. Same as with the banner company, he does this because he disagrees with the content and does not want his business associated with it. And same as with the banner company he would refuse to create this cake even if Bill and Hilary were the ones ordering it. How is that discrimination?
Businesses should be free to refuse to serve anyone they choose. Likewise the public should be free to refuse to patronize those businesses.