(September 13, 2018 at 9:08 pm)negatio Wrote: emjay
You are way way out on a limb there.
Now, you place me under the necessity to return to the rule issue.
The Introductions Forum is the most rudimentary, beginning, basic, fundamental, bottom-ground sector of the forum; and, the rule written for that forum disallows insulting new members;
and, a portion of rule posited in language written for protecting new members from insult, is, for the head honchos of the forum to go on to say, because new members do appear in
other sectors of the overall forum, you (I. e., members), shall not take the prohibition on insult within the Introductory Forum to mean that you can run your fucking mouth via insult in
all other the other sectors of the forum. What could be more kind; rational; and, reasonable of the big mucky mucks to say; they are being so noble, so nice, saying, be nice at all times
to new members, if you think you see a troll do not be unkind to him or her, be nice, be sweet at all times, do not employ insult in an attempt to handle the situation yourself, refer the
matter to staff; a radically reasonable and beautiful rule, I. e., shut up, do not shoot your insulting mouth off for, we, the ownership, do not actually endorse members engaging in inter-
insult anywhere within our forum. Ownership has not said anything about tempers flaring...rational, mature human beings do not proceed via insult, it is so simple, ownership is noble,
they do not play the insult card, and, within their forum, no one will, shall, play the card. Insult is actually forbidden by the rule written for the most foundational sector of the forum, the
Introductions Forum, and, the owners are saying that they are extending the rule extant within the Introductions Forum throughout the realm that is the entire Atheist Forum, because
ownership actually desires their entire forum to proceed absent insulting behavior, for to proceed via insult merely exhibits one's ignorance; ignobility; and stupidity;---noble human beings
do not require insult to interact with their fellow human beings.
Of course civility is preferred, but it doesn't always happen, especially in the heat of argument or frustration. Just read the damn rules.