(September 25, 2018 at 3:35 pm)CapnAwesome Wrote: It's interesting to see this become such a big political topic again. This is a rather broad topic but in general are your more in favor or against political correctness?
Having just today being called "prejudice" by a white western female Buddhist, it reminds me, BEING LIBERAL myself, why Ayaan Hirsi Ali being a former Muslim got shit for blaspheming her former religion.
I am a liberal. I am not out to end religion, certainly not by use of government force. If my blasphemy or criticism can get you to reconsider, that is different, like the old saying "You can lead a horse to water but you cant make them drink".
But even Ayaan rightfully said, having escaped her oppressive past, "Tolerance of intolerance is cowardice."
So you cant oversimplify life.
I am for beating the shit out of bad claims as far as logic is concerned. I am also for blasphemy of oppression and dictators and theocracy. But no, I do not think all humor is meant to oppress. If I say, "I am thinking about starting an atheist restaurant, nothing will be on the menu", does that make me an oppressive bigot or self loathing because I am an atheist? Or does it merely mean I have a sense of humor?
But no, nobody should be condemned for saying "that is not true" or even "bullshit" in regards to the claims of others.
At the same time, no we should not tolerate politicians whom sit in a seat of power and scapegoat and vilify entire groups of "outsiders".
I don't like the term "PC". If we want to look at the extremes of a "Politically correct" society, try dissenting openly in North Korea against their powers. Try saying Allah is not real in Iran or Saudi Arabia in public.
But no, calling the KKK and Nazis asshole dicks and should not have political power is not "political correctness" it is sanity.