On the idea of infinite regression
The energy of the universe exists.
Let's go back in time.
Can you point to a time when the energy of the universe didn't exist ?
There is no such thing as an infinite amount of time before time came into existence.
It's nonsensical
From a cosmological standpoint, we can track the energy of the universe back to the beginnings of the expansion.
If I use my imagination and go back further, the energy of the universe is still there. I don't know what kind of unified state it's in, but it's there. It doesn't suddenly disappear. Where would it go ?
If I imagine even further, I can see the energy of the universe remaining the same.
At this point zero time and infinite time are the same thing.
Just my two cents.
The energy of the universe exists.
Let's go back in time.
Can you point to a time when the energy of the universe didn't exist ?
There is no such thing as an infinite amount of time before time came into existence.
It's nonsensical
From a cosmological standpoint, we can track the energy of the universe back to the beginnings of the expansion.
If I use my imagination and go back further, the energy of the universe is still there. I don't know what kind of unified state it's in, but it's there. It doesn't suddenly disappear. Where would it go ?
If I imagine even further, I can see the energy of the universe remaining the same.
At this point zero time and infinite time are the same thing.
Just my two cents.
Insanity - Doing the same thing over and over again, expecting a different result