RE: How can you prove that the gospel of Mark is not the "word of god"?
October 15, 2018 at 2:13 pm
(October 11, 2018 at 4:17 pm)Bucky Ball Wrote: The gospels are not a "set of instructions".they are more than instructions. there are examples back stories and instructions. one set of instructions can be found in luke 11. the 1/2 of the chapter teaches us how to pray the second 1/2 teachs how to obtain the Holy Spirit and why God would willingly give such a gift.
(That crap is the fundy drivel they teach in Sunday School to 3rd Graders.)
Quote:The gospels are proclamations of belief by the followers, formulated for proclamation in liturgical events, (almost no one was literate at the time, and almost no one had a copy, and no one sat around "reading" anything).That is not true for ever sabbath, and other holy-days, in the temple the scriptures where read, and like wise on the first day of the week Christian scriptures/letters were read.
Quote:There were hundreds of gospels. Some of them were batshit crazy ... (well all of them were, actually).you mean the gnostic gospel... look up who the gnostics where.. and also note it was a different thomas.
The Gospel of Thomas :
Quote:"(114) Simon Peter said to them, "Mary should leave us, for females are not worthy of life." Jesus said, "See, I am going to attract her to make her male so that she too might become a living spirit that resembles you males. For every female (element) that makes itself male will enter the kingdom of heaven." LMAOwhat's funny is if you knew anything of thomas the biggest thing that would have pointed to a different thomas, was 1) Jesus' thomas could not read or write. 2) Jesus' thomas went on to India to spread the word there. the gospel of thomas was originally found in three different parts of egypt. (where the gnostics like to plunder about)
Quote:Of the worlds best known scholars of the NT, not one calls the gospels "a set of instructions", not that Drich cares about scholarship.because like you can see but are blind. I just showed you two very important lessons no Christian could ever hope to live in this world or the next without. Who among you or your scholars would argue that in just Luke 11 you are taught how to pray and how to obtain the Holy SPirit.. Taught as in a set of instructions.
Quote:Your "hermeneutic" of insult and derision is not exactly what Christians preach.I certainly hope so if "christian preach" is absent of prayer and the Holy Spirit!
Quote: (You certainly don't claim to be one, I hope).In this world in this life there are no Christian sport... or did your 'christian preachers' fail to grasp that as well? Seems to me they are bunch of blind guides if none of them has ever used the gospel to pray, obtain a measure of the Holy Spirit or understand that 'salvation' is not apart of this life but of the next. In fact not once is salvation mentioned past tense unless the thief on the cross is mentioned because We have yet to be judged. Which means we are not Christian until we are judged. We in the bible are simply referred to as the followers of Christ. As a follower we are not saved till we stand before Jesus and are judged.
There is a book you should read. You can get it on Amazon : "How Not To Share Your Faith"
Seems to me you and your 'preachers' have all fallen to a tradition that barely knows and or understand who the God of the bible actually is. but at least you have words like hermeneutics, exegesis and dispensationalism to appaude yourselves in how dedicated to the study of patting yourself on the back, when it comes to studying God's word.
= blind guide.