Quote: It's a translation?
Life is a bit more complicated than that. We have no indication that this holy horseshit existed in written form prior to the Septuagint. Yehud, as it was then known, was an insignificant shithole ( Trump would love it!) when it was part of Alexander's empire. It had the misfortune to be located on the the fringes of both the Ptolemaic Empire and the Seleucid Empire when Alexander's generals started quarreling over who had the biggest dick. In what were called the Wars of the Diadochi Ptolemy established his dynasty in Egypt in 323 and Seleuchus his empire somewhat later. Initially, in the period we are talking about, the Ptolemies controlled Yehud.
It was still a tiny shithole.
The story, and it is just that, a story, of the Septuagint being 'miraculously' composed by 72 jewish scribes who produced the "translation" in exactly 72 days comes from a fraudulent piece of shit called the Letter of Aristeas which itself dates from the mid second century BC or so. BTW, the number of scribes was obtained claiming that 6 scribes were chosen from each of the 12 tribes of Israel.... missing the fact that 10 of those "tribes" were allegedly lost. Obviously, that part of the holy bullshit story hadn't been written when the Aristeas forgery was made.
So we are left with the more likely probability that a Greek writer interviewed some jew, either in Alexandria or Jerusalem ( and more probably Alexandria ) and listened to the oral tales and wrote them down as they were regurgitated. That would explain some of the statements which only make sense if they were originally spoken in Aramaic rather than "Hebrew."
Until the jesus freaks produce anything resembling a Hebrew/Aramaic written version of this shit which predates the Septuagint we are forced to conclude that it was the Greeks who gave us this nonsense.... not the jews.
And now let's hear the morons start screaming!