I mean name one. Name ONE Sunni islamic religious culture country that does not have human rights problems. Name one?
The point is its good to have allies, Israel or in this case Saudi Arabia. The only case is to convince that yeah some ideas are not good. But like i heard they are atleast now cracking down on terrorism. Atleast according to Saudi comments some year ago online and by Trump himself.
So tell me. outside Socialists who hates America and wants it to fail to why we should not support it? Should we just let China, Russia interfere. I am not against them but, what do you prefer as world view. Freedom of expression.. or totalitarianism. Your call?
The point is its good to have allies, Israel or in this case Saudi Arabia. The only case is to convince that yeah some ideas are not good. But like i heard they are atleast now cracking down on terrorism. Atleast according to Saudi comments some year ago online and by Trump himself.
So tell me. outside Socialists who hates America and wants it to fail to why we should not support it? Should we just let China, Russia interfere. I am not against them but, what do you prefer as world view. Freedom of expression.. or totalitarianism. Your call?