RE: Atheism, Deism & Christianity
October 1, 2011 at 6:32 pm
(This post was last modified: October 1, 2011 at 6:32 pm by lucent.)
(October 1, 2011 at 10:46 am)Cinjin Wrote: Let me guess, you found out that Zeitgeist is mostly bull shit and you thought you could get an easy point by making it appear that I had ANYTHING to say about that silly movie. Don't put words in my mouth pal. I didn't say a goddamn word about Zeitgeist and therefore you have not refuted my point whatsoever.
You never proved your point so there was nothing to refute.
(October 1, 2011 at 10:46 am)Cinjin Wrote: What a shock. The Catholics, who number in the hundreds of millions, are wrong about their version of christianity and you of course are right. And then to say that "MANY are unsaved" is obviously just your own prejudice - much like a Muslim would tell you that you're a filthy infidel. There's no way you can know something like that. I think the Pope is no more right than you are, but your reasoning is ridiculous. All you have is a bunch of hocus pocus visions in your head, at least the catholic church has 1000+ years of doctrinal studies and the contradiction of the scriptures to back it up. I really just want to say, "Who the fuck are you?!" Also, you do realize that your high estimate of 2 Billion christians that jesus has currently on this planet goes way down when you discount nearly half of them as unsaved pagans.
You seem to be under the impression that any interpretation of the bible is equally valid, as if the words don't actually mean anything. There may be disagreement as to eschetology, but the core beliefs of Christianity have been there since the church began. I have 2000 years of testimony from hundreds of theologians supporting my case. As far as catholics are concerned, do you have any idea what the inquisition was about? The catholics had outlawed every translations of the bible except the latin vulgate, which only they could read. So the people had to come to them to find out what was in the bible, and the church added whatever they liked..things such as indulgences, where people would give the church money to get a more favorable outcome for dead loved ones. Anyone who disagreed with them was put to death..millions of christians were slaughtered because they refused to worship a cookie.
(October 1, 2011 at 10:46 am)Cinjin Wrote: Quote the Bible as much as you want - I sometimes quote it too. I will still mock you when you use it as proof of a claim that it itself makes!
So you're proud of being juvenile? How old are you?
(October 1, 2011 at 10:46 am)Cinjin Wrote: That isn't the way it works??? What does this entire paragraph have to do with the fact that Christianity is a religion, it is a worldwide system, and it is JUST LIKE every other religion in that it can't even come CLOSE to agreeing on it's varied and idiotic doctrines?!?
The core teachings of Christianity have widespread agreement within the church. It is not a religious system, as in, do this 3 times every sunday and you're saved. It is at the core a personal relationship with God. It has nothing to do with going to church, and you don't have to go to church to be saved.
(October 1, 2011 at 10:46 am)Cinjin Wrote: And by the way, for you to just say the words, "no it isn't" is not enough to make your non-point. Christianity isn't some magical experience in your head. It's a well-documented SYSTEM with rules and regulations, dogmas, hierarchies, policies and procedures. Your personal relationship with the lunacy in your own mind does NOT in any way refute my point.
You don't have a point, as you don't seem to know much of anything about theology. You are not saved by regulations, dogmas, hierarchies, polices and procedures. You are saved by faith in God.
(October 1, 2011 at 10:46 am)Cinjin Wrote: LOL. Come on Lucent. Please. A billion+ christians out there, and you think that a couple hundred people world wide, the majority of which are either lying or delusional, bolsters your point?? That is laughable man.
You never had a point, because you never proved anything. I can easily prove my point by pointing to the innumerable testimonies on the internet from Christians who give the reasons they came to Christ. There are thousands if not tens of thousands of testimonies all over the internet.
(October 1, 2011 at 10:46 am)Cinjin Wrote: It is you who settled on what made you feel good, with no regard to truth. You "saw visions" and found a book that backed you up. If you had seen slightly different visions, you would be worshiping Allah and reading the Quran right now, because THAT would be the book that backed you up. You think, that because your Bible says it's truth that it is? You are wrong and you are wrong simply because I say so. I'm not going to be told that my choice is somehow less valid because some guy who sees visions dancing in his silly little brain thinks that I'm wrong.
Enough is enough with the mocking, condescending, belittling attitude. Perhaps you could at least try to show some maturity here. If you want to have a debate, then let's keep it reasonable and free of ad homs.
(October 1, 2011 at 10:46 am)Cinjin Wrote: Your implication is that I chose this because it has some great truth to it. I chose to label myself with deistic views because they DON'T claim any of that "truth" that you so desperately cling to. Yes, deism suits me, but primarily BECAUSE it does not offer me a phoney god who's far more human than deity.
Right, you "chose" deism, because it suits you. What kind of reasoning is that for a belief system? Don't you have any logical reasons for deism besides that you hate Christianity?
(October 1, 2011 at 10:46 am)Cinjin Wrote: First of all, you believe that the Universe was supernaturally created in 6 fucking days so your point here means ABSOLUTELY nothing, and my whole point is not the existence of God - it's the idiocy of the Bible, it's god and the fact that it should be painfully obvious to a grade schooler that it is a man made concoction.
If a supernatural creation of the Universe is plausible, then so is a 6 day creation, or the miracles of the bible. Are you actually arguing that your supernatural miracle is more rational than mine?
(October 1, 2011 at 10:46 am)Cinjin Wrote: I just can't seem to get it through your head can I ........I'll try again ........ I DON'T HAVE A RELIGION! I don't worship anyone, therefore the reasons I have offered you for my deistic views have to be adequate. I can't tell you something that does not exist. I told you why I'm a deist. The religions of the world are dishonest and make no sense because they clearly all come from a the hand of a human. I'm not being evasive, there's just nothing more to tell you, and by the way, comparing me to an atheist is a compliment. I didn't subscribe to Deism one day thinking, this sure gives me that warm fuzzy feeling that I've been looking for. God holding my hand, answering my silly prayers and leading me through life so that when I die I can feel all happy about it. ----- That's you, not me. I have no silly book of lies for evidence. Which in the end really says a lot about you and the rest of the sheep doesn't it. You claim to have all this faith, but in the end, you're always looking for evidence for other people's beliefs.
Again, you have offered nothing to suggest why Deism is true or why you have faith in a God that has never made himself known to the world, or what the point of believing in such a god is. Hating other religions isn't a reason. The god that you talk about may as well not exist, so why not just be an atheist?
(October 1, 2011 at 10:46 am)Cinjin Wrote: Guess who has the most faith out of the two of us?
You've got old books, and writings, a lot of myths, and heresay, visions and dreams, pastors and ministers and world wide system backing you up.
I had faith in God without all that; I became a Christian because I know that is who God is.
(October 1, 2011 at 10:46 am)Cinjin Wrote: I've got nothing but a spec of faith.
Faith in what? Your belief is that there is a God out there that doesnt know you, doesnt care about you, and does nothing for this world, and that you will probably die without knowing anything about him. What kind of faith is that? What exactly do you have faith in?
(October 1, 2011 at 10:46 am)Cinjin Wrote: Not only do you damn little faith, you have piles of "evidence" because you need it. You require it. It is an absolute must that your neat little belief system make sense and keep you feeling warm and fuzzy so you can face your own mortality. Where would you be if you were born before Christ showed up on the planet. You'd be a scared little boy, afraid of the dark. No evidence, no doctrines, no world wide system. You'd be fucked.
I wasn't afraid of my mortality when I was an agnostic, nor when I was a theist, nor am I now. This is another stupid atheist meme that you seem to think makes a powerful argument.
(October 1, 2011 at 10:46 am)Cinjin Wrote: I only have a drop of faith and yet it clearly outweighs yours 1000x over.
People who repeatedly declare their superiority to others are the ones who have an inferiority complex. All you've shown is that your full of hostility. What you have is an unreasoned, blind faith, that has no rationale behind it beyond "i hate religion".