(December 30, 2018 at 10:04 pm)Angelina Wrote:(October 7, 2018 at 9:07 pm)Rahn127 Wrote: I believe I exist.Isn't everything that exists really evidence for God? Do you think the necessary chemicals and other building blocks of the universe could have just materialized out of thin air on their own? If so, how do you justify this belief?
My evidence for my own existence is as follows.
I can see myself. I can feel myself.
My body has mass. I can weigh it.
I can displace water in a tub.
I reflect light. Other people can see me, can feel me.
There is a long list that I won't get into.
I believe my phone exists.
I can offer similar evidence for why I believe it exists.
I don't provide arguments to help prove that my phone exists. I provide my phone to prove it exists.
Does anyone have any tangible proof that a god exists ?
At the most basic level, our sun is a source of heat & light that appears each day in our lives. It is circular in appearance and at times can be blocked by the moon.
This is how people might have described the attributes of the sun many thousands of years ago.
They had no idea what it was made of or what happened within it on an atomic level or how much gravity it asserted on our planet.
They only knew a couple basic attributes, but those attributes allowed us to detect it's existence, even if we only knew .001% about it.
When it comes to a god, we know nothing.
A god could present itself in a godly human looking form for all to see. It could give off light that we could see. I could manafest in reality so that we would know it existed.
Well it could, if it really existed.
I don't believe it does.
In one of my hands I have an extremely small universe that contains a god.
In the other hand I have an extremely small universe that doesn't contain a god.
Can you determine which is which ?
To conclude.
Evidence for a god. Do you have any ?
A pot of gold is not evidence that leprechauns exist.
Flowers are not evidence that fairies exist.
Everything that exists is evidence of existence.
The energy of the universe didn't pop out of thin air.
When we observe the universe, we take measurements.
We have observed and noted some very consistent physical laws concerning matter and it's relationship with energy.
We have discovered forces that act upon matter and energy. We have the Gravitational Force, Weak Nuclear Force, Electromagnetic Force, Strong Nuclear Force.
A few physics classes can help you understand these better.
We have laws of motion that help to describe how bodies of matter interact with each other.
Our universe exists and we can explain to the best of our ability how planets & stars form through gravity and how life evolves through evolution.
We have some very exciting experiments that give us a good idea about how organic life can emerge from non organic chemicals, but as of yet we don't have the full picture. In time we will.
We justify all of our beliefs with evidence.
Do you have any evidence that a god exists ?
Insanity - Doing the same thing over and over again, expecting a different result