There are lots of very natural brain activities and mental illnesses/infections/ PTSD/ combined with indoctrination that can lead people to believe in the super natural. But trust me, while something can feel very real, there is no such thing.
When I was a kid, and didn't know any better. I had the "floating out of my body" "experience" and I saw my dead grandmother and dead father in my room. It felt very real, but it was not. I now know those were just combinations of stress, feelings of loss, and indoctrination of being exposed to bad claims. I also was living on a street full of bullies, so being picked on and beaten up also gave me PTSD. And it is also typical for adopted kids, which I was, to have severe insecurity an separation anxiety.
When I say mental illness, I do not mean the person who has it is evil or possessed. I simply mean most humans who go through emotional/physical stress, and or have brain injury/illness, do not understand how intense their false perceptions can be.
Trust me, if you are hearing voices when nobody is around, that is your brain doing it. I know, because I had those very intense false perceptions too. And yes, they felt very real, but were very false. It does not make you evil or "crazy". It merely means you need to learn how neurology/brain chemistry/ and indoctrination can lead you to bad gap answers.
When I was a kid, and didn't know any better. I had the "floating out of my body" "experience" and I saw my dead grandmother and dead father in my room. It felt very real, but it was not. I now know those were just combinations of stress, feelings of loss, and indoctrination of being exposed to bad claims. I also was living on a street full of bullies, so being picked on and beaten up also gave me PTSD. And it is also typical for adopted kids, which I was, to have severe insecurity an separation anxiety.
When I say mental illness, I do not mean the person who has it is evil or possessed. I simply mean most humans who go through emotional/physical stress, and or have brain injury/illness, do not understand how intense their false perceptions can be.
Trust me, if you are hearing voices when nobody is around, that is your brain doing it. I know, because I had those very intense false perceptions too. And yes, they felt very real, but were very false. It does not make you evil or "crazy". It merely means you need to learn how neurology/brain chemistry/ and indoctrination can lead you to bad gap answers.