I think most of the long time Christians are gone Cl huggy GC. got one or two new guys and i think one of them has also left. minnie was bann for a little while and it seems to have taken all the wind out of his sails as I can't remember anything of any significance he has written or commented on in a month, I almost got ban for adding the letter m to the word fake when describing the old indian man who was beating that drum infront of the kid. after all hokem is a legit oxford English word with no racial connotative what so ever. but replace hok with fake and now your the leader of the kkk..
The times are a changing. its getting where you can't say anything against a person with out it becoming a matter of race. which to my understanding is one of several reasons the christians are leaving. is that anything negative can be said about us, you can be filled with hate and spite and pure loathing but if a christian makes any critical remark they are mock with out mercy or even formally reprimanded. the official consensus argument being the christian remarks were reported but no other remarks against Christians were. EI the christian's are not ratting out people who hurl vitrial against them but it seems even the mods are actively seeking any potential rule break to make it more difficult to have an uncensored opinion.
true or one point of view and maybe not another it's hard to argue against someone like catholic lady when she says she feels this way. someone who I've never seen her go after anyone. she even had beef with me and Handel it with grace and respect. I'm sure most will say it's all in my head, but then again where are the christian members why did they all leave at the same time?
so what is new with you?
The times are a changing. its getting where you can't say anything against a person with out it becoming a matter of race. which to my understanding is one of several reasons the christians are leaving. is that anything negative can be said about us, you can be filled with hate and spite and pure loathing but if a christian makes any critical remark they are mock with out mercy or even formally reprimanded. the official consensus argument being the christian remarks were reported but no other remarks against Christians were. EI the christian's are not ratting out people who hurl vitrial against them but it seems even the mods are actively seeking any potential rule break to make it more difficult to have an uncensored opinion.
true or one point of view and maybe not another it's hard to argue against someone like catholic lady when she says she feels this way. someone who I've never seen her go after anyone. she even had beef with me and Handel it with grace and respect. I'm sure most will say it's all in my head, but then again where are the christian members why did they all leave at the same time?
so what is new with you?