So the basic argument is "That group of people cannot provide evidence for their God therefore it's false" A fallacy as shown.
Again, i'm not that group of people and I'm not claiming any creator so ur claims that a creator cannot exist are rubbish to me.
Besides if I was a theist, say a Christian, I would say that the religion doesn't need to provide evidence to anyone.
It's based on faith and ancient scriptures and has 2.2 billion followers.
And so the atheist response to this is still "u have no evidence" Its a lame obstacle that atheists cannot overcome.
At least I had some decent arguments wen I was an atheist. "With so many religions claiming so many Gods they can't all be true."
Or what about "the theory of evolution doesn't support the Adam and Eve story." Or that "there is no evidence of the Red Sea being split or a global flood". Or that "the Christian God only cares about Jews". Or that "science dates earth much older than the bible."
I used to argue these points along with some others with an old mate who claims he spoke to God while he was high on LSD. How do u argue a friend making that kind of claim without destroying the friendship?
The atheist position is a response to theist claims.
Can anyone at least agree on that?
Try ignoring theist claims and engaging in their rhetoric. And just ask yourself, is intelligent design at all possible?
If not, why?
If so what is its probability in ur opinion? 10%?
More? Less?
My position doesn't lay on claims made by theists.
The only person I need to prove things to is myself. Not a religion or a group of agnostic haters or anyone else.
Just myself.
Again, i'm not that group of people and I'm not claiming any creator so ur claims that a creator cannot exist are rubbish to me.
Besides if I was a theist, say a Christian, I would say that the religion doesn't need to provide evidence to anyone.
It's based on faith and ancient scriptures and has 2.2 billion followers.
And so the atheist response to this is still "u have no evidence" Its a lame obstacle that atheists cannot overcome.
At least I had some decent arguments wen I was an atheist. "With so many religions claiming so many Gods they can't all be true."
Or what about "the theory of evolution doesn't support the Adam and Eve story." Or that "there is no evidence of the Red Sea being split or a global flood". Or that "the Christian God only cares about Jews". Or that "science dates earth much older than the bible."
I used to argue these points along with some others with an old mate who claims he spoke to God while he was high on LSD. How do u argue a friend making that kind of claim without destroying the friendship?
The atheist position is a response to theist claims.
Can anyone at least agree on that?
Try ignoring theist claims and engaging in their rhetoric. And just ask yourself, is intelligent design at all possible?
If not, why?
If so what is its probability in ur opinion? 10%?
More? Less?
My position doesn't lay on claims made by theists.
The only person I need to prove things to is myself. Not a religion or a group of agnostic haters or anyone else.
Just myself.