(February 12, 2019 at 7:15 am)bennyboy Wrote: I call bullshit on bullshit.
The wage gap is not normalized to control important factors-- career resets due to having a child, for example, or for the much longer hours some men work, and also for choosing careers which pay dividends other than pure $$$.
The latter is pretty important. Ask how HAPPY men are in their jobs relative to women, at any salary amount, and I think you'll find that women overall report greater job satisfaction. It fucking sucks being a man, and having to bring in money-- it's not a privilege, a joy, or a pleasure.
But for at least some women, working is an option. It's an act of freedom-- rebooting a missed career, or finding something more interesting than making sandwiches for your teenagers.
(February 11, 2019 at 7:16 pm)Grandizer Wrote: What do you have to support your position?
Multitudes of academic studies disagree with you. It's relevant as fuck, and it remains a problem (albeit somewhat improving).
Appeal to numbers doesn't mean much, unless you can say exactly what the studies are examining. If you're looking for a pay gap, it's there. If you are looking to really explain the pay gap, there are some very clear contributors which have nothing to do with unfair pay for the same work. Let's hear a woman explain it in terms simple enough for anyone to understand.
What you guys don't seem to understand is that even after you account for all those "non-sexist" factors that may contribute to the pay gap, there is still a gap that is unaccounted for by anything other than discrimination. It's not necessarily blatant discrimination (often times, it's due to subconscious biases), and we're not simply talking about direct pay itself. Even if women get paid the same as men for the same job, differences in circumstances due to sexist expectations still play a role, and as such women are less likely to be hired (for jobs that are stereotypically high status male jobs, that is) and less likely to have their salaries raised or be promoted to high positions. Perceptions of personalities due to sexist expectations matter as well as agreeable women still get paid less than men who score the same on agreeableness.
That video you posted just shows how ignorant "alt-righters" are when it comes to this topic. The reason women don't get hired more is because of this thing called sexist bias. Again, it's not necessarily conscious and intentional, but as social psychological studies, people do have these biases that affect how they behave and treat others "subconsciously" and even the best intentions can therefore end up being sexist.