Thats around the time I started playing in a band...and believe me when I tell you that if you play in a band, then you WILL get laid regardless of wether you are hot or ugly. Once I turned 21 I learned that evey time I played a bar I would have at least one, if not more, drunk women to take home and bang...and yes, threesomes are fun fun fun!!
cinjin, I can honestly say that I have turned down more pussy than I have had...and possibly that you have had as well. I learned quick to be smart about who to dip the wick in, as some of these women were crazy. Spray painting my cars and such.
Most always had good drugs with them, so I rarely had to buy my own herb and trip.
But here I am a married man of 13 monogamous and faithful years. Not because some god demanded it of me..but because my word means something to me. Besides, I had my fill of one night stands and flings and cat fights and other bullshit drama.
Now when my bar band plays a bar, I just say to the drunk hotties "I appreciate it..but Im married".
cinjin, I can honestly say that I have turned down more pussy than I have had...and possibly that you have had as well. I learned quick to be smart about who to dip the wick in, as some of these women were crazy. Spray painting my cars and such.
Most always had good drugs with them, so I rarely had to buy my own herb and trip.
But here I am a married man of 13 monogamous and faithful years. Not because some god demanded it of me..but because my word means something to me. Besides, I had my fill of one night stands and flings and cat fights and other bullshit drama.
Now when my bar band plays a bar, I just say to the drunk hotties "I appreciate it..but Im married".