Creation myth in the Bible was taken over from the popular beliefs in other religions of that time like Egypt and Mesopotamia. Like creating humanity through some sort of sculpting process: you have Zeus creating humans like that; Mesopotamian myths make some similar claims that the gods created man from a mixture of clay and the blood of a slain deity; Egyptians myths claim the god Khnum made humanity on a potter’s wheel.
The Tree Of Life is a well known mythic element of the World Tree
Garden was a known as a sacred place for Egyptians where it was a symbol of life after death often depicted in tomb paintings of the 18th and 19th Dynasties with palms and sycamore trees. The idea of a heavenly garden as the abode of the dead and of the gods occurs also in Sumerian and Babylonian myth. Dilmun, the Sumerian Paradise, was probably the origin of the Garden of Eden.
The story of the fall is found among other peoples too. The Prometheus-Pandora myth of the Greeks is built about the same elements. Or in Mesopotamian mythology there is story of Adapa who made humanity mortal because he didn't eat the food.
The Tree Of Life is a well known mythic element of the World Tree
Garden was a known as a sacred place for Egyptians where it was a symbol of life after death often depicted in tomb paintings of the 18th and 19th Dynasties with palms and sycamore trees. The idea of a heavenly garden as the abode of the dead and of the gods occurs also in Sumerian and Babylonian myth. Dilmun, the Sumerian Paradise, was probably the origin of the Garden of Eden.
The story of the fall is found among other peoples too. The Prometheus-Pandora myth of the Greeks is built about the same elements. Or in Mesopotamian mythology there is story of Adapa who made humanity mortal because he didn't eat the food.