(July 17, 2019 at 4:34 am)robvalue Wrote:
On reflection, I feel there’s things I could add to my explanation to make it clearer. It was already 600 pages long and likely boring as fuck so I didn’t want to ensure no one would read it all by adding too much. But here’s some more, for those who may be interested. Everything I write here can be prefaced with, "In my opinion, according to the evidence I’ve gathered so far...". It just gets tedious to write that over and over. I’m not touting myself as any kind of authority. I attempt to be only an investigator, and I’m always open to changing my mind. What doesn’t change my mind is insults and self-righteous smug dismissals. If anyone has some genuine constructive feedback or questions, or just wants to talk, please send me a PM.
If you want to merge this with my previous thread, that's fine. If you want to ban me for non-interaction, that’s your choice. As this forum meant so much to me, I want to reach out to those who might genuinely want to know about me, but sadly I am too emotionally weak to deal with the trolling I am almost certain to get from a few people at least. This will be my last post here.
1) My motivations
My motivation is what it has always been: discover the truth, no matter how uncomfortable it may be, or how many other people believe it. That is all. People love to read my mind and tell me what my motivation is. You can stick that up your arse.
At a more nuanced level (remember nuance, before PC hysteria ruled the narrative with polarising bullshit?) I want to know the truth insofar as it is helpful in some practical way. If there are further details which are only going to upset me, and provide no further grounds for me to draw logical conclusions, then I don’t need to delve into them unless it becomes necessary.
For example, let’s say I discover that a group of people are being held and tortured somewhere. I want to know that fact, rather than pretending to myself that it isn’t happening. But I don’t need to know all the details about how exactly they are being tortured, if it isn’t relevant to my research as a whole. This would only serve to upset me, and for no gain. It would therefor be counter-productive.
A final, really important point which I forgot to mention is that I’m the equivalent of a maltheist. I have a set of beliefs about how the world really functions, but I don’t want them to be true. They are absolutely horrible, and I’d love nothing more than to be proven wrong. I would be eternally grateful to anyone who took the time to break down the evidence with me in a private conversation, and could show me I’m interpreting it wrongly. So far this has not happened. I’ve had some discussions and relevant questions have been asked, which have caused me to research further in order to verify whether or not I missed something. In all cases so far, in my opinion, the extra evidence has supported me being correct, much to my dismay.
I don’t claim to know everything about the whole world works. Of course not. I’ve been scratching at the surface. I have some decent ideas, based on evidence. What I can say confidently, however, is that the way it appears to work is bullshit. As an analogy, I don’t know exactly who sent me that Christmas present, where it was made, or how it got here, although I have some decent ideas; but I am confident that it wasn’t Santa Claus.
Edit: And of course, most of what the MSM says is true, more or less. Like I said, they are devious professionals. They even include their own pretend pushback within the media. It’s those tiny droplets of misinformation or omission that do the damage, and they are so hard to spot if you’re not looking for them. It’s mostly written by useful idiots who have themselves been brainwashed, and carefully curated by those higher up the chain.
2) Being a little less cryptic
I think I was overly dramatic about what I’ve been researching. This wasn’t my intention. I’ve been studying for about a year now, through all kinds of sources, how the world really operates. My conclusion is that the version we are presented with is a facade, and that we are regularly deceived about a wide range of subjects. The way this all works is rather complex, but it essentially only requires that misinformation is instigated. On the whole, people will happily pass on that information, believing it to be correct, including teaching it to their children. If you think this is "impossible", consider religion. Regarding claims that a person cannot easily test for themselves and is relying on good faith in an authority or the noble intentions of an institution, they will assume that what they’ve been told must be correct. It is "common knowledge", and the idea of questioning it is hammered into people as being crazy. Those institutions are then carefully managed in order to not publicly contradict the narratives that have been put out. How this is done... is a deep dark rabbit hole. I have some of the answers, but I don’t want to post them publicly as they involve some very disturbing subjects. Almost everyone becomes entirely unwitting accomplices, as people are very easy to manipulate on the whole.
If you think you can’t be fooled, you’re an arrogant arsehole. You’re a brainwashed zombie on a throne of styrofoam. You’re a bum doctor who specialises in shit arrangement in gardens. You’re a bastion of ignorance, fighting to make sure that the search for truth is taboo. But I’m not going to sit here and call you names. What you are, in such a case, is exactly what you’ve been programmed to be, and the perfect specimen. You will unwittingly act in the interests of the Powers That Be, policing others who dare to ask questions about things which are usually taken for granted.
I was a total zombie for 40+ years, like I said. The people who instigate the brainwashing are ruthlessly efficient professionals. My IQ may even be in the double digits, and I’d been taken for a ride. I told myself that I don’t just believe what the mainstream media tells me. I’m a sceptic. I didn’t even hardly ever consume news directly, but rather absorbed it through the chat of those around me. And I was played for an absolute chump. Just like religion, you can’t see what is going on until you are willing to step outside of the bubbly echo chamber. The "mainstream" as a whole, as a loose analogy, could be considered to be lots of stories in the bible. On the surface, they are claimed to be independent and reliable sources which validate each other. But if you look closer and do some digging, and you'll find the same dirty claws stuck into every pie. What the Powers That Be rely on is that people don’t generally do any digging at all. They only need to fool say 99% of people, and they will then police the rest into silence.
If you want to listen to a voice not controlled by the mainstream and without the ludicrous bias that they have, I suggest starting with Tim Pool. He’s an award winning independent journalist who recently attended the White House for the social media summit. He identifies as centre-left. You’ll no doubt have read all kind of nonsense about him in the MSM. I recommend going and listening to him for yourself on YouTube, bitchute or minds. You likely won’t find a more balanced, objective analysis of world events. If I had a conversation with him and laid out the results of my research, he would call me crazy. He does not subscribe to any of it, besides the idea that the MSM is a pit of venom, which he demonstrates daily. He’s just one of the many, many voices I listen to. Even he, moderate as he is, has been targeted by youtube to make his content less visible. It’s painfully obvious that youtube, Facebook and twitter are in bed with the rest of the mainstream and share their biases.
I subscribe to liberals, conservatives, moderates, "conspiracy theorists", christians, everybody. I then assess what they have all said, and what evidence they have pointed to in order to support their conclusions. If the evidence checks out, I’ll agree with them. If it’s dubious or there is no evidence, I disregard it. Most importantly, I don’t have to agree with everything someone says in order to consider the valid points they may make. There are important things I disagree on with just about every one of the commentators I listen to.
Thanks for listening, and keep on calling me crazy if it makes you feel more comfortable.
Well, for someone so adamant about not caring for the replies given to you, you sure as hell seem to care after all. And that's a reductio.
I guess for all that matters, you think of yourself great at the moment. Just what do you think you are?