RE: Why Creationists don't realize the biblical Creation is just jewish mythology?
July 22, 2019 at 11:26 am
(July 20, 2019 at 5:42 am)android17ak47 Wrote: So my question is, how can an apologist have no problem calling other theologies myths but when facing the same fallacies that are literally described in their bible, they pass these errors off as metaphors...
Short answer: it's a category error.
Longer answer: Most people are born into a religious belief-system. It is what they know. Everything on the outside of that system (i.e., other belief systems) are placed into a different category, usually, "wrong" vs theirs being right. To take a meta-view of things and step back and see the bigger picture and demote their religion of origin to be "just another religion" is too much for most people to endure, or at least something they don't typically bother with. Because by the time they have the intellectual maturity to do that, they already are invested in the rightness and used to the comfort of their original belief. Most people are not curious enough or committed enough to understanding reality as it is (rather than as they wish it to be), that they're willing to go against their parents and teachers and other mentors, a lifetime of community and belonging, and the threat of being ostracized, and take the risk of asking uncomfortable questions.
It is no accident that skepticism and doubt are decried as sins and credulous religious faith is praised as a virtue, in most religions. Asking questions is a fundamental, primal taboo.
So people color inside the lines and nothing changes, unless some combination of the bullshit filters you were born with and unwanted life experiences force you to question things, and those questions lead to a shift in perspective.