RE: Why Creationists don't realize the biblical Creation is just jewish mythology?
July 23, 2019 at 5:20 pm
(July 23, 2019 at 10:20 am)mordant Wrote: In any case the cathedrals don't come from fundamentalism anyway. Name me one fundamentalist cathedral. The mainline denominations build soaring architectural wonders for the ages; the fundamentalists build pole barns with steeples.
The difference is in their eschatology. Evangelicals believe Jesus is returning Any Day Now, so why would they undertake mutigenerational projects like a giant cathedral? Relatively speaking, most mainline denominations believe they are supposed to build god's kingdom on earth, stone by stone, generation by generation, until the literal kingdom of god is ushered in due to the earth being sufficiently prepared to receive it.
This is why I wanted to determine exactly what he meant by "fundamentalism." What kind of Christian is he referring to?
If he means only modern Evangelicals he has a better point. If he's talking about some unspecified wide swath of Christians in history, his assertions probably require some refinement. This would require NOT condemning all religious people, but acknowledging the contributions of some.