(August 4, 2019 at 9:18 am)Nomad Wrote: Biden winning the nomination is probably Dumbfucks best chance of legitimately winning in 2020. Noting will supress the democrat vote better than a continuity "good ole' southern boy" corporatist "democrat".
I think most Americans, particularly "centrists" don't vote so much on political policies. They vote for the person. And to this date, very few dems want to acknowledge that Hillary Clinton was a terrible candidate. She offended large numbers of people ("basket of deplorables") in a way that reinforced stereotypes of Democrats as out of touch and having a superiority complex over the unwashed masses she wished to rule. She couldn't be bothered to show up in Wisconsin where she needed to win, and instead focused her time on running up her vote in Texas. She was bad with message and bad with tactics. She was just a bad candidate. That is why she lost.
Biden has over Hillary that he is more than just "likeable enough" as Obama "praised" Hillary for being. Biden can go from weak to good at his messaging. As long as he doesn't pull too many of his infamous gaffes, Biden could get the support he needs