Driving into buildings...
I worked supervising construction projects between gigs in aerospace jobs. One time we were remodeling a home and were putting up 5" diameter steel pipes 4 feet apart across the entire back of the property, which faced an alley. The fence contractor had already used his truck to push the detached garage back wall out about 12" where it had been caved in by customers in the stores on the other side of the alley backing into it. The fence was all knocked over, too. 90211 ZIP code- Beverly Hills. The owner of the jewelry store in that block came out and asked what we were doing. When we explained it, he complained that, "My customers will damage their cars on those posts!". No shit, Sherlock. We laughed our asses off. The customer's cars were getting damaged by the stucco on the garage wall scraping their cars up already! Those pipes were set in concrete and then filled with concrete to minimize bending when someone ran into them. Too bad about your Mercedes.

If you get to thinking you’re a person of some influence, try ordering somebody else’s dog around.