So about keeping children out of the road... you need to watch them. If they won't stay out of the road without being watched you need to watch them. In the example of kids that wander in to the woods even after being repeatedly presented consequences, well then spanking won't work either and you will have to find a way to bar them from doing the thing.
Keep the consequences natural.
Have neutral conversations with your kid about the rules of the house and the expectations of the house.
Get to a consequence that will actually modify/stop the behavior.
Yes, it is difficult and much easier to say than do, but collaborative problem solving will get you much further than spanking.
Keep the consequences natural.
Have neutral conversations with your kid about the rules of the house and the expectations of the house.
Get to a consequence that will actually modify/stop the behavior.
Yes, it is difficult and much easier to say than do, but collaborative problem solving will get you much further than spanking.