(May 13, 2020 at 5:33 pm)Rev. Rye Wrote: And now, the Reverend Rye Pandemic 2020 collection.I was lucky enough to find some thin elastic in with my sewing and craft stuff. Elastic became nearly as hard to find as TP and hand sanitizer. I got a huge spool of it the other day that I ordered from Amazon over a month ago.
The first item in our collection is the classic surgical model, purchased at an American Science and Surplus Warehouse sale during the good old days when it would never occur to most people to Buy a pack. And it still serves its purpose as a second layer for those of us whose skin doesn’t react very well to having tight fabric draped across it.
Next up is a model purchased on Etsy. It was a long time coming, especially since the first one came when the seller had to make do with rubber bands instead of proper elastic, and when this one finally came, it was more than a little loose, but tie a small knot near the ends of the elastic, and you not only have a snugger fitting mask, you have a little loop to hang it on the hook outside your door. Perfect for the colder weather, although that might not be much of an issue at this point in the year. And while this photo may have it upside down, at least I have my nose and mouth covered.
And now, this little black mask, Also purchased from Etsy, but it’s smaller, more symmetrical, thinner, perfect for the spring months, perhaps rather fitting considering that shit got real around the same time many college students (including me) went on spring break. It may be a bit too dark for summer, but we’ll cross that bridge when we come to it, shall we? The maker took his time to get the elastic in and it fits perfectly.
As the states start to reopen, the employers will be expected to provide PPE for their workers. While I’m not sure when the candy store reopens, my other job, Anglotopia, has released this face mask, which I purchased for the low, low, price of $20 plus shipping. The straps aren’t elastic, but that really wasn’t much of a problem for me, and when the Fourth of July rolls around, you can show off your low, low, opinion of how America’s handled this pandemic by wearing this mask with the flag of the empire they broke away from.
And finally, we have the very simple “just going out to check if the mail’s arrived yet” model.
My daughter has a friend who had made over a hundred masks but couldn't finish them because she couldn't get her hands on elastic.
Three that were sent to me used pony tail holders and those worked pretty well.