(September 15, 2020 at 6:32 pm)Divinity Wrote: In a country where money runs everything, don't be surprised that the people with all the money don't want to give that money up for the 'social good', and instead buy influence in both parties. And most people can't be bothered to give a damn about it. Much easier to think "Well what Can I do? It doesn't really affect me anyway."
So we're stuck between two parties who don't really give a damn about anyone, but one party is much more obvious about it, and far more blatant with the harm they want to do.
The Right might want to be careful though. One day, the left may very well realize people actually like left-wing policies once implemented. And they'll realize that accusations of wanting to give people healthcare won't be very effective as an attack.
If only we could get actual universal healthcare instead of the abortion that Obamacare was. There was some good, but that program can largely be pointed at as a demonstration of how problematic government intervention is regarding healthcare. It takes too much hard analysis to recognize that many of the healthcare programs that were nuked by Obamacare were really bad and cost a lot more in the long run than getting proper healthcare.
At any rate it all just makes me tired. The facts are on the liberal side that taking care of people in all situations is much more beneficial to society than ignoring disparities in history and pretending that the game is fair and the invisible hand of the market will help those that help themselves i.e. just get a good job and then a more good job and hur dur pull yourself up by your bootstraps.