(October 29, 2011 at 3:00 am)lucent Wrote: Science doomsday scenerio: Wiki:
With technology becoming
1. Exponentially more powerful Wiki:
2. Exponentially cheaper to produce economics, you stupid git" target="_blank" rel="nofollow">Wiki:
3. Exponentially more widely available and attainable Wiki:
4. It is inevitable that at some point it will be possible for anyone to construct a weapon of mass destruction in the privacy of their own homes and use it to set off a chain reaction which will start world war 3. magically I guess, someone is able to get the training, the know how, the mysteriously unmanaged technology that allows you to construct a weapon while everyone else (including those who make it) are suddenly struck dumb and become completely unable to comprehend that technology ever being used that way (not gonna happen as long as we have paranoid people around at a minimum), etc, etc,." target="_blank" rel="nofollow">Wiki:
Just one overarching one -- considering that I joined your ridicu-fucking-lous premise together so people can obviously see the disconnect --
What the hell is this garbage doing here and how long did it take you to ball it up?
The entire point of how you named this thread and wrote the content is to serve as a 'loaded' question showing that 'science' is somehow not as pure or is as bad as something else (noting you're a self declared cosmic jewish zombie death cultist, that 'something' is probably your cocksucking sand god).
This is not only a waste of space, but I'm surprised you could even draw in a breath properly without inhaling your own shit, as I can only figure you got this far by sticking your head where the sun don't shine.
I, personally, hope you don't stay around long at all. There are more where the likes of you came from (despite all reason to the contrary telling people to smother said likes in the cradle).
Slave to the Patriarchy no more