Honestly Biden held it together a lot longer than i thought he could. he at least gave me hope he could hold his own and lead longer than the 6 months i thought he had in him before harris would have to take of as head puppet. I think his best moment was the whole medicare thing.. they/he and christ were clearly working together (chris stopped trump several times to save biden from trump's attack, and set trump up for bident to attack)
as chris wallace framed out a 'need for trump to present a obama style like plan,' when in fact trump's plan is to bring down the cost of things like prescription drugs and revamp the system and costs so that medical insurance due to the reduced cost of doing business will come down to affordable levels on it's own.. That is the trump plan but chris and biden would not allow trump to properly explain or flesh out his plan because they just kept repeating their artifical need for a congress backed plan.. when again trump plan is to fix the over priced medical system and allow the market/competition bring down the costs naturally.
the next big biden get was one sided portrayal of debt with china.. he framed it out as if we were hopelessly indebt with china. when in fact the chinese are waiting us out for this election. they suspended all talks in trade till after the election as a means to try and get trump out of office. but once trump is reelected china will have to come back to the table as they can not go 4 more years with american food stores. again the moderator and biden together worked to keep trump off topic.. anyone who knows wasn't fooled..
other wise trump owned biden.. how many times did biden flub his numbers? how many times did biden say "awe common man" or here's the deal these are all verbal pauses/mental resets. the more stressed he got the more times a subject he said one of these things. then trump beat him back to the point were he stopped listening all together and just kept repeating it all lies it been disproven it all lies. for instance he said hunter was dishonorably discharged for cocaine use "biden: all lie he was not... then he said everyone knows someone with a drug problem... or when trump said biden said clap you dumb asses, again biden came back stating it was all lies.. then trump brough up breesma where biden quid pro que demanded that the leader of the ukraine fire a special prosecutor that was investigating his son for taking a job with a natural gas company for millions of dollars with no experience. the ukraine was placed on hold for over a billion dollars is US aid by biden till this prosecutor was fired and the case dropped. biden is on video telling and laughing about this story. then hunter was observed taking millions from a chinese bank while his father was meeting with the president of china in official business. and again millions more with the mayor of moscow's wife. everything they accused trump of doing dealing with the chinese black mailing the ukraine was all biden..
then trump really put the nail into biden when he pointed out they have video of clinton working with a russian spy to accuse trump of dealing with russia to tamper with democratic votes. which lead to his whole impeachment bs. that he also had proof not only was obama breifed on this but push through some of the legal aspects to get warrants to spy on trump. then the big bombshell was when he told biden he has proof that he was the one/biden was the one who framed michael flinn the four star general who was to be trump secretary of defense with breaking the logan act. this four star general was arrested charged with treason and dishonorably discharged because of biden's own personal actions. what was completely telling was when trump said they had proof it was him his eyes dropped and facial expression went into the ground.
Girls and boys these actions alone committed by clinton, biden and obama alone is literally a conspiracy by definition of a cue attempt, and attempt to hold on to power. they did what they are accusing trump of doing! what's more trump's people have all the poof they need to bring charges. I honestly think just before or on election day if not biden himself clinton and or obama will be charged and asked to turn themselves in. these acts are of treason. If biden is a real threat of winning he too may be asked to come in.
as chris wallace framed out a 'need for trump to present a obama style like plan,' when in fact trump's plan is to bring down the cost of things like prescription drugs and revamp the system and costs so that medical insurance due to the reduced cost of doing business will come down to affordable levels on it's own.. That is the trump plan but chris and biden would not allow trump to properly explain or flesh out his plan because they just kept repeating their artifical need for a congress backed plan.. when again trump plan is to fix the over priced medical system and allow the market/competition bring down the costs naturally.
the next big biden get was one sided portrayal of debt with china.. he framed it out as if we were hopelessly indebt with china. when in fact the chinese are waiting us out for this election. they suspended all talks in trade till after the election as a means to try and get trump out of office. but once trump is reelected china will have to come back to the table as they can not go 4 more years with american food stores. again the moderator and biden together worked to keep trump off topic.. anyone who knows wasn't fooled..
other wise trump owned biden.. how many times did biden flub his numbers? how many times did biden say "awe common man" or here's the deal these are all verbal pauses/mental resets. the more stressed he got the more times a subject he said one of these things. then trump beat him back to the point were he stopped listening all together and just kept repeating it all lies it been disproven it all lies. for instance he said hunter was dishonorably discharged for cocaine use "biden: all lie he was not... then he said everyone knows someone with a drug problem... or when trump said biden said clap you dumb asses, again biden came back stating it was all lies.. then trump brough up breesma where biden quid pro que demanded that the leader of the ukraine fire a special prosecutor that was investigating his son for taking a job with a natural gas company for millions of dollars with no experience. the ukraine was placed on hold for over a billion dollars is US aid by biden till this prosecutor was fired and the case dropped. biden is on video telling and laughing about this story. then hunter was observed taking millions from a chinese bank while his father was meeting with the president of china in official business. and again millions more with the mayor of moscow's wife. everything they accused trump of doing dealing with the chinese black mailing the ukraine was all biden..
then trump really put the nail into biden when he pointed out they have video of clinton working with a russian spy to accuse trump of dealing with russia to tamper with democratic votes. which lead to his whole impeachment bs. that he also had proof not only was obama breifed on this but push through some of the legal aspects to get warrants to spy on trump. then the big bombshell was when he told biden he has proof that he was the one/biden was the one who framed michael flinn the four star general who was to be trump secretary of defense with breaking the logan act. this four star general was arrested charged with treason and dishonorably discharged because of biden's own personal actions. what was completely telling was when trump said they had proof it was him his eyes dropped and facial expression went into the ground.
Girls and boys these actions alone committed by clinton, biden and obama alone is literally a conspiracy by definition of a cue attempt, and attempt to hold on to power. they did what they are accusing trump of doing! what's more trump's people have all the poof they need to bring charges. I honestly think just before or on election day if not biden himself clinton and or obama will be charged and asked to turn themselves in. these acts are of treason. If biden is a real threat of winning he too may be asked to come in.