According to this chart, two numbers better describe your political leanings, rather than being left-right or liberal-conservative.
I am Personal Freedom: 80, Economic Freedom 50.
But I'd also like people to comment on how incomplete a chart like this is. For me, I feel that I have a set of values that lean towards individual freedoms. How I interpret those values might be conservative on one issue, and liberal on the next. Basically, I want movement forward on some issues, but if you want to change my conservative mind on a subject, you better bring evidence. Your imagined utopia just might turn out to be a hell.
Liberal and conservative are a component of our nature. A rational person should realize both aspects of their personality, and make choices on a per-issue basis, and be willing to change their minds over time if evidence leans that way.
I can respect people who place themselves in 4 of these 5 sections on the chart, but I cannot for the life of me understand someone who would place themselves in the authoritarian category.
What are your numbers, or do you call bullshit on the whole thing?