(July 11, 2021 at 1:17 pm)Mercyvessel Wrote: "But I say to you that for every idle word men may speak, they will give account of it in the day of judgment...
No problem. There will be no day of judgement. I've cancelled it and replaced it with a potluck supper. Please bring a hot dish, plates and cutlery, and your own lawnchair.

Seriously, Mercyvessel, you're wasting your time using the Bible to threaten us. In my eyes it has no value whatsoever as a predictor of future events. None. None at all.
I also believe that there is no such thing as eternal life, and that you will never see heaven no matter how fervently you believe or how much you pray. When you eventually die, the moment your brain ceases to function you will immediately lose everything you ever knew and believed, and you will remain in that state permanently.
And for threatening us with the wrath of your imaginary fiend, I think it would be jolly good for reality to slap you silly for a few months, or until you learn to express your faith in terms that doesn't involve trying to scare other people into joining your dead-rabbi-on-a-stick club.