(July 23, 2021 at 11:33 pm)tackattack Wrote: Then let’s use modern day examples. Movies and commercials and add imply that women are x or should be y. None of those x or y variables are property. I assume, women may feel like property if they believe they need to be x or y but it simply isn’t true. Property is something I can purchase and own and have full control and rights over. No commercial, religious book, ancient text or movie has ever made me feel that way about women. Why? Because I don’t believe other people should ever be owned. I don’t think I could ever own anything with a will of it’s own. Whether we r talking pets, women, children or advanced AI cyborgs. Now if I did want to own any of those things I could point to a myriad of sources that make that seem like the right thing, but that’s all it is, a justification. It could be a right or a wrong justification, but that doesn’t mean that it’s the source of the belief that it’s ok. I simply don’t believe anything with a will of it’s own CAN be property by my definition.
Edit: if you’d like an exegesis on Christian views of a woman’s role that would be another thread.
I think the exegesis thread sounds super interesting. I fully agree with you about modern commercials implying women are x or should be y. But I also think (along with most people) that commercials are just selling bad ideas. I think the same thing about your scriptures. And here we are.
Quote: Property is something I can purchase and own and have full control and rights over. No commercial, religious book, ancient text or movie has ever made me feel that way about women. Why? Because I don’t believe other people should ever be owned.
And... THAT'S where you and the Bible part ways on agreement on things. Bible says: people can be owned. AND, furthermore - "owned people ought to obey." I think they are bad ideas. Hell, even most Christians think these are bad ideas (and try to ignore them). But there they are. Written in the special book. I guess that means those ideas are "good" or at least "special."
I actually think it's possible for a Christian to dismiss these ideas. (And many do.) But it seems to me, if your going to dismiss any idea within the special book. You must first dispense with the "special book" idea. Maybe there are a great many good ideas in the book. But that don't mean the book is all good ideas.