Of course he's full of shit. On the one hand he pats himself on the back for driving a car that gets great fuel economy. That's great for mid-20th century thinking. Then he shits all over any technology that will reduce the carbon load even more for half-baked, dumbass reasons. Typical dickhead thinking. I imagine him in the 19th century when crude oil was beginning to be harnessed. "Nope, we need to stick with whale oil! Fuck them damn whales. And burn all the trees while you're at it." Really, it's a sad thing when someone is so belligerent to advancing technology and so ignorant at the same time. We've seen this at every stage of technological development. There's always those people that refuse to budge. This is one of the good things about human life spans and death. There's a natural way to get rid of these people and it doesn't even include violence.
So bottom line, if you have something truly original to add to the conversation, please do so. But sticking to these old school, proven wrong, dumbass ideas is just dumb.
So bottom line, if you have something truly original to add to the conversation, please do so. But sticking to these old school, proven wrong, dumbass ideas is just dumb.
Why is it so?
~Julius Sumner Miller
~Julius Sumner Miller