(February 19, 2022 at 12:52 pm)Macoleco Wrote: Does an Ubermensch allow the law (rules created by other men) to punish his wrongdoer, or does he takes justice in his own hands (aka revenge)? What would an Ubermensch do?
I think it's always tricky to ask what an übermensch would do, because the whole point of the übermensch is that he creates his own values. We can't really talk about a generic übermensch, or the standard übermensch code.
So I suppose one of them might take justice into his own hands. What worries me is that this seems to reproduce our own society's ideal, and not be an original rethinking of values. I say that because pop culture's constant idea of a hero is someone who takes justice into his own hands and solves his problems through violence. If you think that's what a superior person does, it might be because you have been propagandized through stupid media. From Clint Eastwood to the Mandalorian, the hero is the one who makes the most successful use of violence.
But someone who made his own values might approach this differently. For example, a superior person might approach his wrongdoer and speak so skillfully and persuasively that the wrongdoer relents and repents.
Or suppose someone steals your car. An übermensch might be so unattached to worldly goods that he says, "eh, he can have it; the quality of my life is not determined by possessions."
I think the point is to rethink whatever it is that your society tells you your values ought to be.
The one thing that übermenschen will have in common (according to Nietzsche) is that their values come from the life of this world. Then from there we work it out on our own.