In the Quran, this interesting; almost one of the most important verses I have read in my whole life states clearly:
Sura 21, The Quran:
(30) Do the disbelievers not realize that the heavens and earth were ˹once˺ one mass then We split them apart?[color=var(--color-text-link)]1 And We created from water every living thing. Will they not then believe?
[color=var(--color-text-faded)]— Dr. Mustafa Khattab, the Clear Quran[/color][/color]
Other translations:
This verse states explicitly that earth and heavens were a "single entity" that were "ripped apart" to produce the universe we see today.
This is exactly what scientists stated in the "Big Bang" theory:
This verse is referring directly that God ripped apart the "singularity", to create the universe we see today.
This verse proves that the Quran stated explicitly that the universe was a "singularity" then got ripped apart by an unknown force leading to the Big Bang as we know it.
Sura 21, The Quran:
(30) Do the disbelievers not realize that the heavens and earth were ˹once˺ one mass then We split them apart?[color=var(--color-text-link)]1 And We created from water every living thing. Will they not then believe?
[color=var(--color-text-faded)]— Dr. Mustafa Khattab, the Clear Quran[/color][/color]
Other translations:
This verse states explicitly that earth and heavens were a "single entity" that were "ripped apart" to produce the universe we see today.
This is exactly what scientists stated in the "Big Bang" theory:
This verse is referring directly that God ripped apart the "singularity", to create the universe we see today.
This verse proves that the Quran stated explicitly that the universe was a "singularity" then got ripped apart by an unknown force leading to the Big Bang as we know it.