The "Protestant" Bible? Protestant must mean after Martin Luther which would make it very much a revisionist piece.... or the term could be worthless! Ask just about any Christian in Belfast what they are and your response will certainly be "protestant" or "catholic".
You certainly have misunderstood catholicism if you think it is about worshipping saints and Mary instead of Christ. You should be using their lives as examples and use their experiences to get closer to Christ, not to replace him.
Jesus spoke of forgiveness, atonement, enlightenment. I think his dad may have held similar opinions.
You certainly have misunderstood catholicism if you think it is about worshipping saints and Mary instead of Christ. You should be using their lives as examples and use their experiences to get closer to Christ, not to replace him.
Jesus spoke of forgiveness, atonement, enlightenment. I think his dad may have held similar opinions.
Love 'n' hugz,
Lord Chad
4th Earl of Catsuit
There is nothing more dangerous than a man who knows he is right.
Lord Chad
4th Earl of Catsuit
There is nothing more dangerous than a man who knows he is right.