To be clear, you can use that acronym all you wish and easily, as you've done, explain away it's use. However should I adopt the same charming letters I wouldn't be afforded the equal, shall we say, protection of explanation, that you enjoy.
I'm hesitant to test my theory because it would likely result in what I am trying to point out. As I would run afoul of one standard of behavior, while others are afforded another. Unless the acronym is very common among users and I've just happened to find the one use that was mildly threatening. In which case I drop the whole thing and have no point to raise at all.
I'm hesitant to test my theory because it would likely result in what I am trying to point out. As I would run afoul of one standard of behavior, while others are afforded another. Unless the acronym is very common among users and I've just happened to find the one use that was mildly threatening. In which case I drop the whole thing and have no point to raise at all.
"I'm thick." - Me