For now, I can access GCC 13.1.0 using GitLab CI/CD. So, I was able to tweak my AEC-to-WebAssembly compiler to compile under GCC 13.1.0 using error messages given to me by GitLab:
But that's not good enough for me. For one thing, GitLab is very slow, it takes it around 10 minutes to give me the error messages (or the message that it succeeded). Secondly, I can only do that for projects which I host on GitLab, and, not only that, for which I've also set up GitLab CI/CD. So, for most of my C++ projects, even those on my GitLab profile, I still don't know whether they compile using GCC 13.1.0. Furthermore, as I have a free GitLab account, I have limited minute-actions. I think I am nowhere close to that limit, but I don't know.
Those are the reasons I'd like to have the latest version of GCC, GCC 13.1.0, on my machine.
But that's not good enough for me. For one thing, GitLab is very slow, it takes it around 10 minutes to give me the error messages (or the message that it succeeded). Secondly, I can only do that for projects which I host on GitLab, and, not only that, for which I've also set up GitLab CI/CD. So, for most of my C++ projects, even those on my GitLab profile, I still don't know whether they compile using GCC 13.1.0. Furthermore, as I have a free GitLab account, I have limited minute-actions. I think I am nowhere close to that limit, but I don't know.
Those are the reasons I'd like to have the latest version of GCC, GCC 13.1.0, on my machine.