Austrian economics? LMFAO, it has no predictive power. Long before you came to this forum, I pointed out the obvious LACK of predictive power of its concepts by showing that those who used the system for investments wound up faring no better, and some actually lost great sums of money, being conned into the "predictive power of Austrian economics".
Setting up a "flat tax" is nothing more than placing the burdon of society on the middle class, as the price of milk is not set by how much money someone has or made. Progressive income taxes are supposed to fix that, but currently it is being twisted with loop holes and bought politicians.
"0%" income tax? Might as well have no government and just have anarchy, which sounds much better to me. No govt to protect ownership of land, no govt to protect corporate powers. Screw Ron Paul. If we are going in the direction he is asking we might as well go full throtle Anarchism. If we are going to have Revolution, then lets not have some pussy revolution like voting for Ron Paul (may as well be the same as all the others). No, lets have a TRUE revolution and set up an anarcho-syndicate. No need for taxes since money will not exist. No need to fear corporate control over the government because corporations and government will no longer exist. No need to worry about the vast gap between the rich and poor as all property will belong to everyone. THEN we will have a true social libertarian society, not some "band wagon" where there is still inequality and potential for abuse.
The liberals see the govt as good, corporations as evil. Conservatives see corporations as good, and govt as evil. Anarchists see the truth, because their eyes are open: corporations and government are the same thing.
Setting up a "flat tax" is nothing more than placing the burdon of society on the middle class, as the price of milk is not set by how much money someone has or made. Progressive income taxes are supposed to fix that, but currently it is being twisted with loop holes and bought politicians.
"0%" income tax? Might as well have no government and just have anarchy, which sounds much better to me. No govt to protect ownership of land, no govt to protect corporate powers. Screw Ron Paul. If we are going in the direction he is asking we might as well go full throtle Anarchism. If we are going to have Revolution, then lets not have some pussy revolution like voting for Ron Paul (may as well be the same as all the others). No, lets have a TRUE revolution and set up an anarcho-syndicate. No need for taxes since money will not exist. No need to fear corporate control over the government because corporations and government will no longer exist. No need to worry about the vast gap between the rich and poor as all property will belong to everyone. THEN we will have a true social libertarian society, not some "band wagon" where there is still inequality and potential for abuse.
The liberals see the govt as good, corporations as evil. Conservatives see corporations as good, and govt as evil. Anarchists see the truth, because their eyes are open: corporations and government are the same thing.