Quote:According to NASA, planets form inside a proto-planetary disc of dust and debris, starting out in a formless and chaotic state in total darkness, as describe in Genesis verse 2. "Now the earth proved to be formless and waste, and there was darkness upon the surface of the watery deep."
NASA's scientists have discovered that as the planets mature inside their dusty cocoon they suck up all the dust between them and the sun so that the planets slowly emerge from darkness into the light as described in Genesis verse 3. "Let light come to be." Then there came to be light.
They're really stretching here. Of course they conveniently leave out the "firmament" which separates the rain waters above from the earth/waters below. Which, of course, NASA has discovered doesn't exist. Hell, scientists discovered that it didn't exist hundreds of years before NASA ever existed.
This is nothing more than religion trying to ride on the shirttails of science and trying to prove itself true. It's shoehorning passages of the bible to fit in with modern scientific discoveries. I remember a Muslim on another message board trying to claim that everything in the Koran is true because of some passage which said that "Allah gave man iron from the heavens," and claiming that meteors made of iron fit this verse. When pointed out that most of the iron on our planet came from the planet itself, plus the fact that the earth's core is made of iron, he claimed that the earth forming with iron at it's core comes from the heavens and therefore the Koran passage is still true.
It all smells of desperation.
Christian apologetics is the art of rolling a dog turd in sugar and selling it as a donut.